A collection of free Desktop Widgets and Theme Utilities for GNOME, GTK, Budgie and more for Ubuntu Linux, sourced under a creative commons. This list will be updated regularly. Email over the URL, if you wish to be included.
Desktop Widgets & Theme Utilities
- Conky – Conky is a free, light-weight system monitor for X, that displays any kind of information on your desktop.
- Extension Manager – A utility for browsing and installing GNOME Shell Extensions.
- GNOME Extensions – Extensions for the GNOME Desktop Environment.
- GNOME Look – A website that hosts a Large amounts of community created icons, shell themes, fonts, and many more assets that can be used to customize your GNOME desktop environment.
- Gradience – Gradience is a tool for customizing Libadwaita applications and the adw-gtk3 theme.
- Hardcode Tray – This script fixes hardcoded tray icons in Linux by automatically detecting your default theme, the right icon size, the hard-coded applications, the right icons for each indicator and fix them.
- Lemonbar – Super fast, lightweight, and mnml status bar for Linux.
- Login Manager Settings – A settings app for GNOME’s Login Manager, GDM.
- Oomox theme generator – A Graphical application for generating different color variations of a Numix-based and Flat-Plat themes (GTK2, GTK3), GNOME-Colors and chdroid icons.
- Pling Store – Desktop app of openDesktop.org, which is one of the largest communities where developers and artists share applications, themes and other content.
- Polybar – Fast and easy-to-use status bar.
- Wpgtk – A universal theming software for all themes defined in text files, compatible with all terminals, with default themes for GTK2, GTK+, openbox and Tint2 that uses pywal as it’s core for colorscheme generation.
Tags: GTK, GTK Themes, GTK2, GTK3, customizable desktops, desktops, desktop environments, Ubuntu, Linux, Budgie, Cinnamon, Deepin DE, Enlightenment, GNOME, GNOME Flashback, KDE Plasma, LXDE, LXQt, Mate, Pantheon, UKUI, Unity, Xfce, Ubuntu, Budgie, Conky, Gnome Extensions, Gnome Look, Gradience, Hardcore Tray, Lemonbar, Login Manager, Polybar
License: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License | Added tags and Introduction.