A collection of free and open source tools and software for managing web hosting, multiple servers, hosting accounts and shared web hosting for linux, BSD and windows

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A collection of free and open source tools and software for managing web hosting, multiple servers, hosting accounts and shared web hosting for linux, BSD and windows. Sourced under a creative commons. This list will be updated regularly. Email over the URL, if you wish to be included.

A collection of free and open source tools and software for managing web hosting, multiple servers, hosting accounts and shared web hosting for linux, BSD and windows

  • Ajenti – Control panel for Linux and BSD.
  • Cockpit – New multi-server web interface for Linux servers written in C.
  • Feathur – VPS Provisioning and Management Software.
  • Froxlor – Easy to use panel for Linux with Nginx and PHP-FPM support.
  • ISPConfig – Hosting control panel for Linux.
  • Sentora – Control panel for Linux, BSD, and Windows based on ZPanel.
  • VestaCP – Hosting panel for Linux but with Nginx.
  • Virtualmin – Control panel for Linux based on webmin.
  • Webmin – Linux server control panel.
  • ZPanel – Control panel for Linux, BSD, and Windows.

Tags: web hosting, web hosting control panel, web hosting linux, web hosting windows, web hosting bsd, server control panels, webmin, zpanel, ajenti, cockpit, feathur, froxlor, ispconfig, sentora, vestaCP, virtualmin, ZPanel, hosting panel nginx, web hosting panels, shared web hosting control panels

License: Awesome sysadmin – This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 ShareAlike International License | Added: tags and Introduction. Image: unsplash License.